3 Quick Tips for Mixing Patterns
When it comes to the art of interior design there is a fine line between creating a space that is...
Why Beauty Matters in the Spaces You Create
I’m In Marketing… As the Marketing Strategist at Model55, I am tasked with the challenge of...
How Fashion is Impacting the Multifamily Industry
How Fashion is Impacting the Multifamily Industry By Sharon MacDonald Fashion Inspires Design If...
Blinded By the (Ultra Violet) Light
Blinded By The (Ultra Violet) Light Well… we didn’t see that coming. And what, might you...
A Designer’s Guide to Your Thanksgiving Table
A Designer’s Guide to Thanksgiving Decor 5 Tips to Help You Decorate for the Holiday [trx_columns...
What It’s Like to Work With Interior Designers
I’m Not a Designer My name is Amanda and I am the Marketing Strategist at Model55. I thought it...
Design Mistakes to Avoid
10 Design Mistakes to Avoid Recently the Model55’s marketing team surveyed our...
3 Ways Television Changed Interior Design
The Space Communal spaces are an important aspect of model apartment staging. Most family spaces...
Model Apartment Concepts: The Importance of Art in Apartment Staging
Model Apartment Concepts Model Apartment Staging and Telling a Story with Art Are you...
3 Tips for Thoughtful Furniture Placement
3 Tips for Thoughtful Furniture Placement An empty room is a blank canvas for...
Telling a Story of “Home” Through Impactful Interior Design
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Model Apartment Ideas
5 Ways to Stand Apart from the Competition Are you looking for model apartment ideas to increase...