Model Apartment Concepts: The Importance of Art in Apartment Staging

Model Apartment Concepts


Model Apartment Staging and Telling a Story with Art

Are you searching for worthwhile model apartment concepts? Well, you have come to the right place! Because when it comes to model apartment concepts that sell occupancy, you cannot overlook the importance of art. All art tells a story. The stories might be old, abstract, or something in between, yet they are all uniquely human. Mankind has been obsessed with the decorative arts for a long time. Some of the oldest known cave paintings were recently found in Chauvet, France and date back to 30,000 years ago. The discovery offers insight into how man’s love affair with art began. These prehistoric Picassos depicted beautifully shaded animals in motion, highlighting both their artistic prowess and their fixation on food. Life inspired their art much the same as it does in the modern world. Interior designers should take inspiration from these ancient decorators.

The Final Steps in Model Apartment Staging

Selecting art is usually one of the final steps in model apartment staging. Paintings provide the classic remedy to blank walls. Complementary fixtures or physical art might serve some walls better than paintings. Environments should be incorporated into art – a starfish in a coastal apartment, twisted metal in an urban high-rise, or exposed wood in a rustic setting. Art offers limitless potential for design. Since the eye is naturally drawn to paintings or objects that break up space, placement is key. Art should accent rooms with warm, elegant, and seamless design. The story should have a happy ending.

Telling a Story Through Art and Decor

Paintings, photography, decorations, and natural material all tell different kinds of stories. Sometimes, those tales are told through a unified theme. Other times, a painting might present something unique in a model – a view into something unexpected that furniture and lighting can’t provide. This kind of storytelling melds well with prospective residents. If they are moving to a new area and see a painting highlighting the local beauty, they might be more likely to take the space. Abstract art has a similar effect, but it usually blends with the theme more than becoming a singular focus. Photography is also a useful narrative device, yet it can sometimes be difficult to depersonalize photos. Art offers unbridled potential for interior designers looking to sew together a story of home.

Art That You Can Use in Model Apartment Staging

Art is as varied as the people that create it. From landscape to still life, abstract to portrait, there are innumerable styles and conventions that carve up the art world. Many of these genres benefit interior design. Art ties models together in more ways than one, but its most impactful factor might be the way it unifies theme. Decoration can distill a room’s statement into a single piece. Expert designers see this as a challenge to condense their grand story into something smaller. This is a difficult task; it’s like transforming a novel into a poem. Even so, interior designers use art to influence theme and vice-versa no matter how hard it might be.

Selecting Art for Your Mode Apartment

Art pieces should be selected with the theme in mind. Color palettes decide whether or not certain features flow; paintings and wall art should match the hues and mood around them, creating a singular, unbroken vision. Tasteful placement gives model apartment concepts the cherry on top residents want. Interior designers must make careful decisions about what should be on a wall and where.

Different styles of art evoke different images… and sometimes the images are just text. Lettering provides a unique opportunity to interior designers to imprint ideas when staging. A vacation home might have the world “beach” framed in sand-colored lettering above a doorway. This helps renters or residents latch onto the goal of a home. Maps provide similar insight into the theme and area around the model. Deciding where and how a piece of art is placed is a fitting finale to most model apartment concepts. It is sometimes also the hardest part.

Knowing Where to Put Your Art

Interior designers are beholden to beauty. They must create spaces that are aesthetically attuned with conventions. Symmetry and style go hand-in-hand when staging model apartments. The perfect model might look shabby and cluttered if art is not placed correctly. Imagine walking into a bedroom and staring up at a painting that is three feet above a headboard. It would make the room look a little off, like something out of Oz. It is best to hang art at eye-level, or about 57 inches off the ground. If art is hanging over furniture, it is best to have it 8 inches above. The art should usually be about half the size of the furniture below it. Most of this knowledge is intuitive for interior designers. They surely make placing art an art form.

Conclusion: Model Apartment Concepts and Art Go Hand-in-Hand

Interior design is like painting: it begins with a blank canvas and a theme, a color spectrum in hand, and an audience in mind. Choosing what kind of art, where to place it, and how to fit it in with the theme are all-important decisions for designers. They must sift through a plethora of possibilities to find the perfect fit, tell a story through design that strikes a chord with residents, and do it all with a unified vision that offers uncompromising drive to make disparate factors artfully work together. They must design interiors like artists: with beauty in mind.